Sales preparation check list

Information the buyers’ solicitor will require (where relevant):

  • Land Registry documents
  • EPC
  • Compliance sign off for septic tank
  • Wood burning stoves and fires – HETAS certificates
  • Electrical certificate
  • Agreements relating to shared drives or other shared space
  • Planning permission and building control sign off documents where building work has been undertaken
  • Existence and details of any covenants
  • Building and content insurance documents
  • Who owns boundary fences/walls
  • Any easements, rights of way, access issues
  • Leasehold documentation
  • Often solicitors ask for FENSA certificate if any windows have been replaced
  • Any other warranties / guarantees relating to the property along with electric / boiler checks documentation

Not required but good to have:

  • Details of external and internal work that’s been undertaken, dates, suppliers / tradespeople
  • Copies of recent utility bills
  • Copies of insurance documentation
  • Contact details for local tradespeople used for repairs / maintenance / supply of logs
  • Broadband provider and speed
  • Paint colours used throughout the property

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